Berea baptist Church
About us
who we are
We are Christians first; secondly we are of the Baptist faith. Our pastor Patrick (Pat) Lawrence has pastored Berea Baptist Church for the past 28 years. We are conservative in our doctrine; Bro. Pat preaches from the King James Version Bible, our teachers use the King James Version Bible as well. Bro. Pat preaches against sin and that our forgiveness can come only through Jesus Christ. An altar call is extended at the end of every worship service, allowing anyone that might need to come and pray, rededicate their life to the Lord, or most importantly for anyone that might not know that if they were to die today that they will go to Heaven.
Our Church offers a variety of Sunday School classes, from our Nursery to our most senior members, we have a place for you!
Our Ladies meet each week for a Bible Study Class, Wednesday morning at 9:00am.
We love fellowship, but preaching and worship are our priorities. We always welcome visitors, so if you are searching for a home Church, please come give Berea Baptist Church a try!
Annual Events
Easter Program
The Adult Choir presents their Easter Cantata each year on Easter Sunday.
Vacation Bible School
This is usually in June or July. Always lots of fun for the kids & the adults that volunteer their time to help. Our VBS has always been at night, this allows the people that work during the day to help. We can always use more volunteers.
We usually have spring & fall revivals each year. This will be on Sunday, Monday & Tuesday nights, sometimes on Wednesdays, too, with great guest speakers & special singing each night.
“Friends & Family Day”
The Sunday prior to Thanksgiving we have our “Friends & Family Day”. This includes a great lunch & fellowship that immediately follows the AM Service.
Christmas Programs
The Adult Choir presents their Christmas Cantata each year on the Sunday before Christmas. Also, Children’s Church presents their Christmas Program around that same time, either that Sunday or the Sunday prior.
Missions Program
Currently we support twelve missionaries. Our missions program is solely supported through our “Faith Promise” program, which is money that is designated by church members strictly for missions.
our team:
Pat Lawrence
Connie Tucker
Edwin Tucker
Minister of Music
Grady Easterling
Deacon Chairman
Barney Cheatwood
Bryan Cook
Tom Dooley